Winterfest is coming
The first competition of the season is almost here! AASCF Winterfest is only THREE weeks away. Are you ready? We are! We're finalising our routines and hyping ourselves up to bring our best to the stage.

There's nothing quite like walking into the competition arena and soaking up the amazing vibe it has. To assist with that amazing vibe, we're holding a competition for YOU to design our Winterfest Snapchat filter. Do you use Snapchat regularly? Do you love to draw and be creative? Now is your chance to create an amazing Snapchat filter that will be used by not only Outlaws-Edge students but friends, family, competition staff and anyone else that may be in the area!
Pretty exciting stuff right? Start planning your ideas now! There's only one rule - you MUST include our logo somewhere in your design. You can choose from any of these logos. Other than that you have free creative direction!
To submit your designs, either DM us on Instragram (@outlaws_allstars) or email us at
Happy creating!!